Why are some of your people performing so well?

Why are some of your people performing so well? What leads them to do so? What would change if all (or at least most) of your people performed at the same high level?

These are some of the questions we have been asking clients at the start of our coaching programmes. Very often the focus has been on under-performance. The impact of poor performance leads, understandably, to much attention to address it. Less often do organisations look at what is working really well and then learn from that information. It can be quite the conundrum - with limited resources, should attention be devoted more to addressing under-performance or to maximising the benefits of high performance?

Appraisal processes, whatever their structure, should enable the identification of high performers and the context in which they are working. For example, looking for themes or patterns in their personality profiles, the management styles of their line managers, etc. Once the appraisal, and perhaps rewards, process has been completed, what else can be done with the information?

Most companies could do much more with this information. Using it for both recruitment, development and reward purposes can materially enhance performance, well-being and engagement.

In a future post, we will look further into performance assessment and how this can be enhanced. In the meantime, we employ robust and accurate personality and values psychometrics to help to assess current and predict future high performers. We then weave these results into a comprehensive guidance package to support your recruitment and development activities, such that more sensitive and personalised management can take place.

If you would like further information on the benefits you could achieve, or wish to discuss further, contact Sarah on sarah.jaggers@managingchange.org.uk or call 07711 503382.


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